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Friends of Deep Roots

Currently, The Deep Roots Music Project is working to establish successful Deep Roots expansion sites in new schools and communities around the nation.  We continue to seek new partners, friends, and volunteers to help in our effort to share our life-changing program.

Are you or your organization interested in getting involved with Deep Roots? Contact Chris_W_Gragg@yahoo.com


Regional Arts and Culture Council (2007)

Meyer Memorial Trust (2003)


Partners & Friends

The William Stafford Center

Dave Fleschner - Dave's Attic Studio

Nettleingham Audio

Mastan Music

Rumblefish Music


Rock and Roll Camp for Girls

Portland Music Company

Girls Inc



Borders Books (Downtown Portland)



Sites We Recommend

Deep Roots Myspace page

Deep Roots Blog

Deep Roots Wikipedia





Sisters Americana Project

Oregon Music Guide

School of Rock

The Lake Eden Arts Festival


826 Valencia

The Sweatshop

Oregon Writing Project

Kid Pan Alley

PDX Pop Now

The Old Library Studio

Spun Academy


Deep Roots Volunteers

DR = Reynolds High (Troutdale)
SJ = Roosevelt High (Portland)
GI = Girls Inc. (Portland)



Vince Adame (DR 8)

Steven Adams (DR 10)

Alex Amen (DR 11)

Lael Aldermann (DR 4, 8)

Art Alexander (SJ 1)

Nann Alleman (DR 2, 5)

Rasheeda Ameera (GI 1; SJ 3)

Elisabeth Ames (DR 5)

John Anderson (DR 11)

Kevin Anderson (DR 4, 5)

Marisa Anderson (DR 9, 10; GI 1, 2)

Ryan Andrews (DR 9, 11)

Stephen Ashbrook (DR 7)

Dennis Ayres (DR 3)

B        [BACK TO TOP]

Dan Balmer (DR 1)

Joel Barber (SJ 3)

Jason Barlow (DR 10)

Chaucer Barnes (SJ 1)

Danny Barnette (GI 1)

Scotland Barr (DR 10)

Nicole Sangsuree Barrett (DR 4)

Rick Bartel (DR 11)

Josh Baruch (DR 110

Rudy Battjes (DR 7, 9)

Gus Baum (DR 4, 6)

Todd Bayles (GI 1)

Ajay Beasley (DR 6)

Larry Berent (DR 8)

Michael Berly (DR 4, 6, 8)

Jen Bernard (DR 2, 5, 7)

Brian Berg (DR 7)

Sam Berrett (SJ 3)

Jesse Bettis (DR 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11)

Bevan (DR 7)

Ryan Biesack (DR 3)

Duffy Bishop (DR 10)

Kellie Bishop (DR 7)

Todd Bishop (DR 2, 5)

Chris Blair (DR 4)

Guy Boster (Graphics - SJ 1)

John Henry Bourke (DR 2, 5, 7, 9; SJ 1, 2)

Jimi Bott (DR 2)

Skip Elliot Bowman (SJ 1)

Brad Boynton (SJ 1)

Newell Briggs (DR 1; SJ 2)

Derek Brown (DR 4, 6)

Jef Brown (DR 9)

Jeff Brown (Entertainment Lawyer)

Matt Brown (DR 3, 4; SJ 1, 2)

Rachel Taylor Brown (SJ 1)

Mel Brown (DR 4)

Norm Buccola (DR 6)

Michael Budd (DR 6, 9)

Adam Bulgasem (DR 7)

Doug Bundy (DR3)

Gary Burford (DR 3)

Geoff Byrd (DR 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8; SJ 1)

Dylan Byrnes (DR 10)

C        [BACK TO TOP]

Maria Callahan (GI 2)

Andres Caputo (sound - DR 8 show)

Dave Camp (DR 5)

Jimi Campbell (DR 5)

Nicole Campbell (DR 3, 8)

Dano Capristo (DR 7)

Dave Captein (DR 4)

Chris Carlson (DR 9, 10)

Carlton (DR 2)

Charles Carter (DR 2)

Centric (SJ 1)

Chris Chard (DR 6, 7, 8, 9, SJ 2)

Alan Charing (DR 4, 6)

John Chavigny (DR 6)

Jake Christensen (DR 8)

Barry Clark (DR 10)

Sattie Clark (DR 2, 6)

Jonathon Cleveland (SJ 2)

Sean Cochran (DR 11)

Dave Coey (DR 2, 7, 8)

Kenny Coleman (DR 5, 7, 8)

Mike Collins (DR 5, 6)

Jenny Conlee (DR 5)

Roger Conley (DR 5)

Tim Connell (DR 6, 8)

Michael Connor (DR 4)

Selena Corbett (SJ 1)

Todd Corbett (DR 4, 6)

Anthony Cotham (SJ 1)

Kevin Cowan (DR 4)

Tim Cowan (DR 5, 8)

Jill Coykendall (DR 6)

Mike Coykendall (DR 5, 6, 8)

Josh Cram (DR 11)

Harley Crown (DR 5)

Richard Cuellar (DR 5)

Joe Cunningham (DR 7, 8)

Brian Cutler (DR 3)

Henry Curl (DR 7)

Tim Current (SJ 2)

D        [BACK TO TOP]

Rob Daiker (DR 7)

Brian Darby (webmaster)

Jenn Dashney (DR 9, 10)

Chris David (DR 4)

Brett Davis (DR 4)

Bryan Daste (DR 10)

John de Andrade (DR 1)

Justin Defreece (DR 5)

Caleb Denison (DR 8)

John C. Densmore (SJ 1)

Sam Densmore (SJ 1)

Gavi Detarr (SJ 1, 2)

Aaron Diamond (DR 9, 10)

Dan Diresta (SJ 1)

DJ Chill (DR 7)

DLUX: THE LIGHT / Desmond Spann (SJ 2, 3)

AG Donaloia (GI 1)

Mike Doying (SJ 3)

Natalie Doyle (SJ 1)

Jeff Duffy (DR 5, 7; SJ 1, 2)

E        [BACK TO TOP]

Debbie Earnheart (DR 4)

Danny East (DR 1)

Josh Elie (DR 6)

Jessica Emdee (DR 9)

Jesse Emerson (DR 2)

Jake Endicott (DR 6, 7)

Damian Erskine (GI 1)

Jimi Evans (DR 6)

F        [BACK TO TOP]

Ned Failing (DR 3, 8)

Jeff Farnard (DR 3)

Mickey Featherstone (DR 10)

Jason Fellman (DR 9)

Jake Fenske (DR 11)

Ondrej Fercak (DR 11)

Bart Ferguson (DR 2, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Ted Ferguson (DR 6, 7, 9)

Fernando (DR 3)

Scott Fisher (DR 6)

Shane Fisher (DR 4, 8)

Tom Fitch (DR 5)

Sarah Fitzgerald (DR 7)

Brian Flem (DR 10)

David Fleschner (DR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; GI 1, 2)

Sean Foote (GI 1, 2)

Yorck Franken (SJ 2)

Ray Frazier (SJ 1)

Anthpny Frey (SJ 3)

Asher Fulero (SJ 1)

Ben Fuller (DR 9, 10, 11)

Ragan Fykes (SJ 1)

G        [BACK TO TOP]

Ravi Gadad (DR 110

Dan Gaynor (DR 5)

Scott Georgis (DR 4)

Erik Gerding (DR 5)

Miram German (GI 2)

Josh Gilbert (DR 3)

Robbo Matthew Gilfeather (DR 5)

Conor Gilles (DR 7)

Shade Gilliam (DR 9)

Patrick Goebel (DR 6, 9)

Ezekiel Goodrick (DR 9, 10, 11; SJ 3)

Morgan Grace (GI 1, 2)

Tom Grant (DR 2, 9)

Drew Greenly (DR 7)

James Gregg (DR 5, 6)

Alicia Gronke (DR 6)

Talbot Guthrie (DR 2, 8)

H        [BACK TO TOP]

Mark Hadley (DR 2,3,4)

Kevin Hahn (DR 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9)

Halelupe (GI 2)

Daven Hall (DR 4, 8)

Gene Hall (DR 3)

Rachel Hamar (DR 5)

Barry Hampton (SJ 1, 2, 3)

Marshall Harrell (DR 9)

Jeff Hardin (DR 9)

J.R. Hardy (DR 3)

Shauna Hardy (DR 3)

Erik Harper (DR 3)

Tracey Harris (SJ 2)

Chance Hausler (DR 7)

Chris Hayes (DR 7)

Teisha Helgerson (DR 5)

Tyrone Hendrix (GI 1, 2)

Jason Henry (DR 4, 6, 8)

Mark Heringer (DR 3)

Nancy Hess (DR 2,5)

Higgins (DR 4)

Zach Hinkelman (DR 5, 6, 9, 10)

Ryk Hoffert (DR 11)

Ezra Holbrook (DR 4, 6, 7, 8; SJ 1, 2)

Jules Holbrook (DR 6, 7, 8)

Kim Holt (SJ 1)

Rick Homer (DR 3)

Jason Honl (SJ 2)

Bryan Hopkins (SJ 1)

Haley Horsfal (GI 1)

Rob Hotchkiss (DR 6, 8)

Jonah Howard (DR 5)

Chris Hubbard (DR 10)

Jeff Hudis (DR 5)

Hans Huffman (DR 4, 5, 6, 8, 11)

Tim Huggins (SJ 1)

John Hughes (DR 7)

Chris Hutton (DR 5, 6)

I        [BACK TO TOP]

J        [BACK TO TOP]

Allyn Jackson (DR 5, 6)

Carlton Jackson (DR 10)

Tahoe Jackson (GI 1, 2)

Kevin Jacquette (graphics: DR 7, 8)

Anthony Jamesberry (DR 1)

Michael Jarmer (DR 6)

Sarah Jennings (DR 11)

Aaron Jefferson (DR 7)

Michael Jodell (SJ 1, 2)

Jesse Johnson (GI 1, 2)

Matt Johnson (DR 7, 8)

Anthony Jones (DR 3)

Sass Jordan (DR 6)

Jerry Joseph (DR 4)

Darin Joye (DR 6, 10)

K        [BACK TO TOP]

Mary Kadderly (DR 1,2)

Micah Kassell (DR 7)

Eric Kastor (DR 2)

Dean Kattari (SJ 3)

Carla Kendall-Bray (DR 5, 6, 9)

David Kendall (DR 6, 9)

Dave Kilner (DR 2)

Erika Kim (DR 4)

Nancy King (DR 1,2)

Asim Kihnarath (DR 11)

Kris Kirkman (DR 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)

Caleb Klauder (DR 5)

Tim Knight (DR 3)

Kris Kokesh (DR 2, 5, 9)

Nick Kostenboarder (DR 10)

Nelly Kovalev (DR 4)

Ray Kraemer (DR 10)

Matt Kramer (DR 5)

Pete Krebs (DR 3)

Lea Krueger (DR 8)

L        [BACK TO TOP]

Chris Lamb (DR 10)

Kyle Lange (SJ 3)

David Langenes (DR 3)

Robert Lee (DR 11)

Jeremy Leff (DR 7, 8)

Jordan Leff (DR 7, 8)

Paul Lesinski (DR 6, 9)

David Lipkind (DR 4, 5)

Kyle Lockwood (DR 11; SJ 3)

Lewi Longmire (DR 5, 6, 8)

Virginia Lopez (SJ 1)

Andy Love (DR 8)

James Low (DR 5, 8)

Debra Luck (GI 2)

Mykael Lundstedt (DR 4, 5)

Daniel Luttrell (DR 4, 5, 7)

Ian Luxton (DR 5)

Jennifer Lynn (DR 8)

Chet Lyster (DR 8)

M        [BACK TO TOP]

Jane Machamer (SJ 1)

Madgesdiq (SJ 1, 2)

Mark Mager (DR 6)

Bret Malmquist (SJ 3)

Kate Mann (GI 1, 2)

Jason Margolis (DR 3)

Andrew Marshall (DR 5, 6)

Earl Marson (DR 3)

Andrew Martinson (DR 6)

Tomo Maruta (GI 2)

Brian Masera (DR 7)

Aaron Masonek (DR 4, 6; SJ 1)

Rob Matthews (DR 5, 7; SJ 2)

Justin Matz (GI 1)

Sara Mayhew

Chris Mayther (DR 7, 9, 10)

Julia McCarl (DR 9)

Kelli McIntosh (DR 11)

Aaron McCoy (DR 7)

Bob McGee (DR 4)

McKinley (DR 2)

Octavia McKinney (SJ 3)

Brian McMillian (DR 4, 5, 6)

Brian McMillen (DR 7)

Marvella McPartland (DR 9)

Joe Mengis (DR 11)

Jacob Merlin (SJ 1)

Chris Merrill (DR 11)

Nathanael Merrill (DR 7)

Reinhardt Metlz (DR 7)

Caleb Miles (DR 5)

Lara Michell (DR 2, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Simon Milliman (SJ 3)

Josh Millman (DR 1, 2, 7, 8)

Anthony Minnieweather (DR 6, 8)

Eric Mireiter (DR 9, 10)

Gretchen Mitchell (GI 1, 2)

Shea Mossefin (DR 3)

Tomo Murato (GI 1)

David Murphy (DR 5)

Renee Muzquiz (SJ 3)

N        [BACK TO TOP]

Jeff Nelson (DR 7, 8)

Michael Nelson (DR 11)

Nick Nera (DR 11)

Kevin Nettleingham (SJ 2)

Jon Neufeld (DR 2)

Rod Nightingale (SJ 1)

Gus Niklos (DR 1)

Sean Norton (DR 6, 7, 8)

Sean Nowland (DR 2, 5, 7; SJ 1, 2)

O        [BACK TO TOP]

Pablo Ojeda (DR 7, 8)
Ricardo Ojeda (DR 7, 8)

Kevin O'Laughlin (DR 7, 8)

Sean Oldham (DR 4; SJ 3)

Ken Ollis (DR 5, 6)

Elliot Olson (DR 9)

Sam Omeechevaria (DR 3)

Gerrit Orem (SJ 1)

Robert Oseas (DR 9, 11)

P        [BACK TO TOP]

Breanna Paletta (DR 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; GI 2)

Kevin Pardew (SJ 3)

Mike Pardew (SJ 3)

Warren Pash (DR 3)

Eric Pastoral (DR 2, 10)

Leroy Pella (GI 2)

Eddie Perez (SJ 1)

Blake Petersen (DR 9)

Michael Pieretti (DR 7)

Tommy Pierson (DR 11)

Adam Pike (DR 11)

Morgan Pintarich (DR 5)

Nathan Powell (SJ 1)

Todd Powers (DR 8)

Amanda Price (SJ 1)

Jennie Price (SJ 1)

Q        [BACK TO TOP]

Jeff Quinn (DR 6)

R        [BACK TO TOP]

Kristina Rae (SJ 1)

DeAngelo Raines (SJ 3)

Kevin Rankin (DR 9)

Kimberli Ransom (DR 1, 2)

Dieter Ratzlaff (DR 3)

Raz (SJ 1)

Shane Records (DR 10)

Ed Rei (DR 9)

Jason Roark (DR 7)

Bruce Robertson (DR 4, 6)

Matt Rogers (DR 7)

Pamela Rooney (DR 7)

Dave Rummans (DR 8, 9)

Eli Russell (DR 11)

Kevin Russell (DR 5)

Luther Russell (DR 3, 4)

S        [BACK TO TOP]

Blake Sakamoto (DR 4, 5, 6)

Seth Samuels (DR 1, 6)

Joe Sanders (DR 3)

Mario Sandoval (SJ 1)

Marlin Saner (GI 2)

John Savage (DR 3)

Mike Schaadt (DR 6)

Jesse Schmunk (DR 6)

Stephanie Schneiderman (DR 3, 8, 9; GI 1)

Rob Schnell (DR 5, 6, 7)

Eric Schopmeyer (DR 1)

Keith Schreiner (DR 4)

Will Scriven (SJ 2)

Jason Seed (DR 3)

Dee Settlemier (DR 2)

Jesse Sheehan (DR 3)

Evan Shlaes (SJ 3)

Jill Silk (SJ 2)

Paula Sinclair (GI 2)

Radio Sloan (DR 9)

Tony Smiley (SJ 3)

Steven Michael Smith (DR 2)

John Smith (DR 10)

Keegan Smith (SJ 1, 2, 3)

Tyler Smith (DR 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Mike Snyder (DR 3)

Soul Plasma (SJ 1)

Matt Souther (DR 4)

Josh Spacek (DR 4)

Mark Spangler (DR 7)

Isaiah-Zakai Spann (SJ 2)

Caleb Speigel (DR 7)

Kim Stafford (DR 2)

Andrea Steward (DR 5)

Jai Steward (DR 5)

Doug Stickler (DR 9)

Jessica Stiles (SJ 2, 3)

Minda Stiles (SJ 3)

Lisa Stringfield (DR 5, 7)

Rob Stroup (DR 3, 4, 9, 10; SJ 1)

Michael Suffin (SJ 1, 2)

Paul Summers Jr. (DR 4)

Steve Sundholm (DR 6)

Kristen Swanson (DR 2, 5)

T        [BACK TO TOP]

Andy Tabb (DR 1, 2)

Deb Talan (DR 2)

Michael Tharp (DR 5, 6)

Jason Thoming-Gale (DR 1)

Wayne Thompson (DR 1)

Al Toribio (DR 2, 7, 8)

Dave Trainer (DR 2)

Jeff Trott (DR 4)

Fred Trujillo (DR 3, 4)

Lily Tsou (DR 9, 10)

Chad Turner (DR 7, 9)

Dave Turner (SJ 1)

Rollie Tussing (SJ 1)

Joshua Tuttle (GI 2)

Eric Tweed (DR 11)

U        [BACK TO TOP]

Brad Ulrich (DR 10)

V        [BACK TO TOP]

Dylan-Thomas Vance (DR 7)

Rouke Vanderveen (DR 9)

KimViik (SJ 3)

Skip von Kuske (DR 4, 5, 7)

Chad Voruz (DR 11)

Matt Voth (DR 2, 5, 6, 8)

W        [BACK TO TOP]

Bill Wadhams (DR 4)

Sarah Wagener (SJ 1)

Graeme Wagoner-Lynch (Graphics - DR 10)

Katie Walsh (DR 10)

Matt Wayne (DR 2)

Kathy Walker (DR 5, 6, 7, 8, 10)

Mike Walker (DR 2, 9)

Liv Warfield (GI 1, 2)

Ian Watts (SJ 1)

Adam Wayne (DR 4, 7)

"Little Sue" Weaver (DR 8)

Scott Weddle (DR 3, 5)

Adam Weiner (DR 7)

Matt Westersund (DR 4)

Matthew White (DR 11)

Kurt Whitman (DR 10)

James Whiton (DR 3)

Ellen Whyte (DR 10)

Megan Williams (DR 1)

John Willis (graphics on DR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Jeremy Wilson (SJ 1, 2, 3)

Bruce Withycombe (DR 5, 6, 7, 8, 10)

Talley and Cece Withycombe (DR 8)

Terrance Wooten (DR 3)

Jane Wright (DR 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

X        [BACK TO TOP]

Y        [BACK TO TOP]

Steve Yang (Dr 3)

Z        [BACK TO TOP]

Ritchie Zimmerman (DR 7)








Dr. Martens


Evyn Mitchell


2007 Contributors

Ray Frazier




Gerard and Sarah Stascausky

WebTrends Inc.


2006 Contributors

Aisha Barbeau

Julia Baumann

Susanne Baumann

Judy Beal

Teletha Benjamin

Allison Berman

Michaela Brooks (in memory of Lukie Dunn)

Richard Brown

Howard and Debora Bubb

Lisa Cannon

Karen Chin

Barry Daigle

Deluca Liquor & Wine (LV)

Hannah Dondy-Kaplan

Rich Eichen

John Gragg

Todd and Wendy Gummer

Michael Halstead

Mary Ann Hatfield

Tom Haydon

Rachel Heit

Dick and Lisa Heydet

Mitzie Hiegel (in memory of Lukie Dunn)

Bruce Johnson

Ko Kagawa

Millie Kobrin

Bob and Louise Knoll

Ken and Nancy Leslie

Levi Strauss and Co.

Libby Lepow

Heidi McNamee

Richard Meeker

Shyree Mezick

Bonnie Nicholas

Breanna Paletta

Matt and Relissa Payne

Rebecca Pearcy

Mike and Tanya Perry

Danielle Puller

Chris Ralph

Reynolds Booster Club

Jody Rutherford

Matthew Scott

Nye and Kristin Sherwood

Eugene Silver

Kim Stafford

Art and Neli Stascausky

Gerard and Sarah Stascausky

Pete Thacker

Ken and Joan Tracht

Colleen and Andrew Wachs

Samantha Walker

Robert Washington

Austin Willis

Ebb Zlatnik

Mary Zodikoff