Summer Workshops
2007, Deep Roots Music Project founder
Chris Gragg led the
first Deep Roots Workshop for teachers. The workshop was hosted by Portland, Oregon's
Lewis and Clark College.
Right now, there are no specific plans for a second workshop. We'll keep
you posted.
Course Description
on the experience of the teacher and volunteers responsible for the 10-year-old
Deep Roots Music Program, this weeklong course for high school teachers
demonstrates an effective curriculum model used to help students produce their
own song lyrics and music CDs. Participants will explore the creative medium of
songwriting and examine its potential impacts on self-expression, classroom
community-building, and the general improvement of students’ writing skills.
Both in the classroom and during visits to a local recording studio, we will
collaborate with professional musicians and recording engineers in order to
design and implement effective songwriting lesson plans, write original song
lyrics, and craft and record our new songs on a finished music CD. Participants
will receive two semester credits. Possible scholarships available.
Together Workshop Participants . . .
Collaborate with professional songwriters to create and demonstrate dynamic
and effective songwriting lessons for high school classrooms.
and revise original song lyrics, which professional musicians will help us
publish as finished songs on a compilation music CD.
Learn and help execute the basic
steps of creating a music CD with high school students; including recording,
mixing, mastering, marketing, and manufacturing.
Consider ways to incorporate
songwriting and the creation of music CDs into our high school English
curriculum in a manner that helps achieve personal, district, and state curriculum guidelines and goals.
Create individual time lines and
plans of action to help our students create their own songs and music CDs.
Workshop Contact Information:
Chris Gragg (course instructor)

Portland musician, writer, and volunteer Madgesdiq visits with students at
Roosevelt in 2007
The Curriculum
A Brief Summary of How Deep Roots Works
We enlist local
professional musicians as mentors to high school writers. These
musicians visit
classrooms and share their real-life writing
lessons, and then the young writers put their newly learned skills and
strategies to work as they craft their own song lyrics. Once the students supply
the words, our large, established
network of bands and musicians to transform the words into finished, recorded
songs, each of which is featured on a professional quality music CD. The
students are directly involved throughout the entire process; visiting the
recording studio, writing press releases, creating cover art, singing and
playing on the CD, organizing publicity and sales campaigns, and hosting a free
public concert at the school. Sales of the CDs generate money used to pay
production costs for the next year's student-generated CD, and in this manner
the program becomes ongoing and financially self-sustaining at the school site
How Deep Roots Benefits
Student Learning
1. Helps
students establish a life-long appreciation for writing, music, and their own
creative potential
Improves the level of student engagement in their school work
Help students establish strong writing habits and skills
Assists students in making real-life connections between their school work and
real-world applications
Reinforces important techniques and processes schools stress in writing and art
Helps students discover the power of individual voice and style in writing and
Inspires students to create their best work
Provides students with an important sense of purpose
Gives students an opportunity to express themselves through the powerful medium
of music
Involves reluctant writers, ELL students, and special education students who may
otherwise feel alienated
Involves a wide-range of community volunteers
Build community by involving students and volunteers in close, multi-discipline
What Deep Roots Can Do To Help At Your
1. Train new teachers
2. Help schools connect with resources, including musicians and engineers,
in their own communities
3. Help secure seed money through grants and grant writing materials
4. Supply curriculum materials
5. Provide email updates with curriculum ideas and project timeline
reminders for teachers
6. Lend organizational and technical support via phone and email
7. Maintain the project website
8. Supply marketing help and online retailing

The Manual
Program founder Chris Gragg has written a comprehensive manual
to help educators who are interested in making CDs with their students. If
you're interested in purchasing a copy of The Deep Roots Music Project: An
Extensive Overview and Manual for Teachers for $25, please email Chris Gragg at
Gragg is working on a second edition of the manual, with an expanded lesson plan
section and other new ideas and information.
The Deep Roots Music Project: An
Extensive Overview and Manual for Teachers includes detailed chapters on the
following subjects:
Basic Steps and Procedures
Recruiting Musicians
The Songwriting Workshop - Lessons for the Classroom
Supporting Students During Lyric Writing
Distributing the Lyrics
Creating the Cover
The CD Release Party
CD Sales
Maintaining a Network
Tips for Survival